Mapping your energetic cycles for your online presence

Energy mapping New Moon Josette LeBlanc

Your energy is one of your most potent superpowers. When you understand your natural energetic cycles, you’ll find it easier to show up online and communicate with others. 

It’ll be easier because you’ll know what days you actually DON’T need to show up and communicate.

Harnessing the power of your energetic cycles is all about connecting to the ebb and flow of your life. 

The best way to do that is to start mapping your energy at the beginning of natural energetic cycles. Below are two of these:

New Moon 

The new moon symbolizes the beginning of a new cosmic cycle for our planet. Think of this moment as a clean slate. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and set new intentions for the month. 

You can learn a lot about your own energetic cycle by observing how energized you feel when the new moon is upon us. Consider the two questions I ask below to get clarity on this. 

First day of your period

When you start tracking your menstrual cycle, you’ll learn to distinguish the days you feel naturally energized and social from those you don’t. 

Because here’s the truth:

You can’t be on the ball all the time.

In a world that glorifies doing over being, this can be a shocking realization. 

But when you learn it’s okay to be reflective and recluse on your down days, you’re less likely to blame and shame yourself for not showing up for your social media community. Caring for yourself can only be good for business, and learning to appreciate your less vocal and visible days is part of that valuable self-care.

Note: If you don’t menstruate, no problem. Use the moon as your guide.

Reflect on this

You can ask yourself these questions and note your response on a calendar to see if the same is true during the next new moon or the first day you bleed:

  • Have I been feeling energized or tired (lazy, slow, exhausted...)?

  • Have I wanted to talk with people or have I been avoiding them? And for the introverts in the house, put this on a scale of “I haven’t minded being around people as much even though I’d still rather be alone.” :)

It’s important to see the correlation between months to get a real idea of your energy cycle, so make sure to do this over a few months.


I teach ALL about energy mapping in my signature group coaching program, SOUL TO SOCIAL. I'll be launching Soul to Social in mid-November 2021. Get on the waitlist to make sure you receive all the juicy bonuses I plan to throw your way.

In the meantime, if you need immediate support with creating an energy balance, I designed a fun quiz that’ll help you make that happen. After completing the quiz, you'll receive a FREE personalized 3-step strategy that pinpoints the unique challenges YOU face.