Do you choose your destiny?


The only destiny that exists is the one you chose.

This message came to me as I was pondering a friendship that truly feels destined. We met “randomly” years ago yet it feels like we’ve known each other forever. This, in fact, isn’t a lie.

We’ve spent lifetimes together. In both our mind's eyes, we've seen each other on the spiritual battlefield over eons and in different dimensions. Now, we’ve found each other in this new Earthly territory.

Do you choose your destiny? Josette LeBlanc

Before we incarnated into these bodies, our souls knew we’d meet again. This is part of what I mean when I say, “The only destiny that exists is the one you chose.” As souls, we chose the other souls we’d incarnate with. This is the only destiny that exists.

After this threshold, humans function on free will, which means we have the power of choice. We either make decisions in alignment with our soul (higher self/love) or we make decisions in alignment with the Matrix (ego/illusion/fear). Each decision point is an opportunity to align with either of these.

(Please note: no matter where your decisions take you, you can ALWAYS decide to come back to love).

Before we incarnate into our bodies, we make agreements with other souls. As Dolores Cannon describes it, we’re the main actor and director in the play that’s our life. This also means we choose the cast of characters that will help us learn and grow (ie: resolve our karma).

This cast is our preferred group of supporting actors because they know us so well. They’re delighted to play off our quips and quirks. It’s the ultimate improv!

But once we’re in a lifetime together, how we learn and grow depends on our free will. And man, is it ever hard to make soul-aligned decisions on this dense Earthly plane.

Yes, we have a direction to move toward based on our soul’s trajectory (also known as your soul’s map or your astrological natal chart) but nothing is set in stone.

Our soul’s map is only pointing us toward a progressive destiny or destination.

For example, the North Node in your astrological natal chart points you in the direction that your soul wants to grow into. You could call this a destination of sorts, but if you “get there” in this lifetime depends on the decisions you make. Again, you have to ask yourself if your decisions are in alignment with your soul or not.

I say “get there” in quotations because the journey is also the destination.

This is the progressive nature of our soul’s “destiny”. What we learn in this lifetime will inform how we move forward (ie: progress) into another lifetime. And once we’re in that new lifetime, we get to start all over again.

So again the only real destiny that exists is the one your soul chooses each time it incarnates. These choices move us closer toward alignment with our soul.

And I know it in my bones that in each incarnation, I’ll choose this dear friend to be by my side. 💜

Do you choose your destiny? Josette LeBlanc

This concept of destiny and soul-mapping is something we explore in Intuition Immersion School.

Visit the school here.