Because hiding from your soulmate audience is NOT a helpful strategy.


Dear Lightworker,

For as long as you can remember, your soul has pulled you to help people, to make the world a better place, to create beauty…

No matter what it is, you truly feel like you were put on earth to create your vision and accomplish your mission.

But when it comes to showing up online or in front of people, some pretty ugly stories run through your head.

If only you felt as confident about yourself and your ability to share your vision as you do about the vision itself. Life would be much easier, right? That way you might actually be able to DO what you love so much.


But your fears and doubts get in the way.

Josette LeBlanc Shock phone.
  • You feel overwhelmed and intimidated just thinking of being more visible. Where would you even start?  Blogging, video, Instagram, presentations… Too many options!

  • You doubt you have anything valuable to share. You have no idea what kind of content you could create, and even if you did, you doubt anyone would want to hear from you.

  • The thought of making yourself visible makes you feel like you’re standing in front of a crowd pointing fingers at yourself, yelling, “LOOK AT ME!”

  • You worry about being ignored, judged, and criticized. People can be so mean, especially online. It just doesn’t feel safe to put your ideas and opinions out there.


And then there’s this…

If you don’t start talking about your vision or sharing your lightwork, you’re never going to actually accomplish what you know you truly want to accomplish. Then you’ll have to deal with regret too. 


You want to stop being controlled by fear of the unknown and start connecting with people who need what you have to offer.


You know there has to be an easier way.

You KNOW your work is valuable and important.

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The next round of SOUL TO SOCIAL starts on April 25 in North America (April 26 in Korea - where Josette lives)


Your investment:


The feelings you’re feeling are no joke.

Josette LeBlanc Profile with phone

Trying to figure out the right way to share your soul work can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when imposter syndrome gremlins keep hounding you. But these little monsters — self-doubt and fear — don’t have to run the show.

I thought I knew how to play the online game, but quickly learned that what I thought was the RIGHT WAY to do it wasn’t MY WAY. The approach I was using — trying to post engaging content every day at the right time; making sure my brand stood out — was freaking draining.

As a coach whose services thrive when I maintain a high level of energy, this wasn’t good for business. After posting, I’d often suffer from what Brené Brown calls vulnerability hangovers. It was exhausting. I needed to figure out how to share my work in a way that would create EASE and ENERGY so I could create connections that felt authentic. 

By understanding what actually FELT RIGHT about how I was showing up, I was able to develop a strategy that gives my work the visibility it deserves while keeping me energized too.

From this experience, I created an 8-week group coaching program to help lightworkers, coaches, healers, or visionaries integrate their own version of this strategy. 

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Here’s what sharing your lightwork is going to feel like:


You feel more connected to your work and audience — burnout, be gone!

Your direct messages (DMs) are flooded with encouragement and “me too!” comments. People are resonating SO hard with your content!

You believe in yourself and your ability to do this work. You’ve finally got those imposter syndrome gremlins on a leash!

You find YOUR OWN consistency. You know WHEN (days and times of the month) and WHERE (social media platforms, blog, etc…) to post so that it always feels energizing for YOU. 

You have strategies for dealing with shitty comments (if they happen) and know your social media boundaries (hallelujah!)


And dare I say it, being online is actually starting to feel FUN!


Yvonne Rake, Life Coach

Yvonne Rake, Life Coach

Soul to Social was very personal, enriching, connective & supportive. Josette supported me personally,  and the group was small enough to connect with everyone. The community was AWEEEESOME! I will stay in touch with many of those ladies, if not all of them. Everyone was knowledgeable, wise, funny, and open.  It was a great group. *sigh* So good. 

The energy work was really helpful and I am finding myself paying more attention to my energy levels. I definitely feel more forgiving of myself not to post and only post when I feel like it, even if I have to skip my post day. 

I also loved the grounding at the beginning of each call. I loved the connection. I loved the women. I loved the progress we all made. I loved the cheerleading concept on Instagram. Josette really helped me narrow down my message and focus my posts on communication.



Here’s all you need to know about…

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This is an 8-week group coaching program designed to help lightworkers like you find the self-trust you need to share your soul work online. That way you can connect with the people who need you AND do the work you love. No more feeling overwhelmed, lost, and alone.

Soul to Social is all about helping you let go of online stress and overwhelm and supporting you to make your lightwork shine. 


Here’s what you’ll get when you join Soul to Social:

  • Pre-course insight builder. This pre-work helps you come into the program SUPER clear and ready to work. The information you share at this time will also help me understand your situation so that I can best support you.

  • 8 weekly group calls, alternating between teaching, coaching and Q&A sessions. During the teaching calls, I share concepts and strategies you’ll be able to implement during the program and throughout your lifetime. These calls will also give you the ideas you need to create content (captions, photos, videos…) you’ll enjoy creating. You’ll leave these calls feeling empowered!

  • Curiosity Calls. These Q&A sessions give you the chance to integrate what you’re learning. These group brainstorming sessions will support you in finding your own solutions to content, tech, or visibility issues. You’ll gain sooooo much wisdom from sharing these calls with your fellow Soul to Social sisters.

  • You become a member of the Soul to Social Facebook community. This community is intended to be a safe space and is only reserved for members of your group, where you can comfortably shift from where you are now, into the comfortable and confident online pro you’ll become. Consider this your training ground where you’ll practice getting comfortable to share your amazing online content with the rest of the world.

  • Ongoing support from me within the Facebook group so you can take the next step with confidence and clarity.

  • Weekly actions to get you feeling confident and courageous right away. This will include reflections (worksheets and in the Facebook group), guided meditations, and content creation.

  • Throughout the course, you’ll create content in various forms and you’ll receive feedback from me and the other women in the group.  

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The next round of SOUL TO SOCIAL starts on April 25 in North America (April 26 in Korea - where Josette lives)


Your investment:


Stephanie Renée

Stephanie Renée

Working with Josette has been one of the greatest blessings in my life! Josette has an incredible gift for creating a community that feels like a sisterhood that has your back. I felt so comfortable in Soul to Social that I actually did my first FB live. Me, super shy and introverted me doing a FB live? I cannot believe it!

In STS I learned how important it is for me to follow my own energetic cycle and that consistency can be what I need to be.

I experienced an incredible shift realizing just how important it is for me to choose what social media platform to use that is actually in alignment with my message instead of pressuring myself to post everywhere and everything. This course helps you trust that what you have to share is magic that someone else needs to hear.




Week 0 - Getting to know yourself (more)

  • Learn how to turn your limiting beliefs into your online superpowers.

  • Find the online spaces that bring you a sense of ease and energy.

  • Set goals for engagement and visibility to use as a target for the rest of the program.

Module 1 - Week 1 & 2 - Find your Ideal Flow

  • See the online world as a social space instead of a marketplace.

  • Get out of your own way so you can communicate from a soul-to-soul level.

  • Explore the power of your intuition and how it plays a role in your online experience.

  • Get really clear about your message. You’ll be able to articulate who you’re serving and what your soul work is all about.

  • Map out your energy levels in relation to your desire to be seen online. This is something we’ll do throughout the course as a way to develop a timeline that FEELS RIGHT for you.

Module 2 - Week 3 & 4 - Content & Your Online Superpowers

  • Develop a strategy for creating content based on that message with LOTS of group brainstorming!

  • The anatomy of a social media post - What to say, what not to say, where to say it… and that includes hashtags too.

  • Explore the know, like, trust factor of our online communication and also look at how empaths (and highly sensitive people), introverts, and people who value privacy can navigate this type of communication. Turn your natural skills into online superpowers!

Module 3 - Week 5 & 6 - Posting: Publish your Content!

  • (More) strategies to deal with your pre-posting jitters and those damn imposter syndrome gremlins.

  • How to let go of engagement expectations.

  • More practical tips for navigating social media: Facebook and Instagram lives, how to repost in stories… anything and everything!

Module 4 - Week 7 & 8 - Dealing with people (critics, trolls, peers, family & friends)

  • Develop a system for dealing with feedback that hurts, unsolicited advice, being called out for having made a mistake, and being ignored.

  • Respond to positive comments.

  • Create social media boundaries so you never get burned out.

  • Using the power of reflection to explore the truth of an experience so we learn to detach from outcomes.


Dana Flatow - Autoimmune Coach

Dana Flatow - Autoimmune Coach

Social media can be a total drain. Josette gets this 100% and she's set up true support to help you not only feel comfortable but to find your voice on social media. She's gifted at meeting people where they are and helping them feel supported in a communal setting, and also helps you get to know yourself and your needs better so you can show up how is best for you.

Josette's people are HSPs (highly sensitive people) and she's so mindful of this. The communal aspect of this program was incredible! The encouragement for all of us to ask for support and support others online was pretty special.

Since the course, I've had much more grace with myself. I no longer feel obligated to share into the void. I now understand that I want my social media presence to be meaningful and it's not about the number of eyeballs that see a post, but rather about the connections that I can work on developing through my posts. 

Also, thanks to the energy work, I have more awareness, of myself, of my energy, how that's related to what I want to share, when I want to share it and how I know I can (or can't engage) at that time. I'm much more forgiving of myself if I recognize that I don't want to share and also have more optimism now around recognizing that this too shall pass. I don't have to beat myself up. A big gift.

Josette does such a great job of helping others to validate energetic barriers - one of the BEST things for me that came out of this course, and totally unexpected and also necessary.




I don’t really consider what I do to be a business. It’s more like a passion project (ie: passionate about tarot reading, knitting, calligraphy… ) or I’m more interested in spreading a message I’m passionate about (ie: healing the collective, women’s rights, mental health awareness…). Can I still benefit from this course?

Absolutely! To be part of this program, you only need a desire to be more visible on social media. While business or work may be my default terms, the course is focused on the concept of soul work, which to me means you consider your topic of interest as being dear to your heart.

I don’t have an online business. Is this course still for me?

Whether your business is offline (brick and mortar style), or you’re just starting your business venture, this course is absolutely for you. You only need a desire to be more visible online to take part in this course.

I'm not super clear on my message. Can I still take this course?

Yes. In fact, there’s a whole module dedicated to helping you get clear on your message so you can design online content that’s aligned with your soul work.

Is this course live or prerecorded?

It’s live, and I have very good reasons for this. The aim of this course is to help you trust yourself so that you feel more at ease and in flow online. Getting to this place will require you to do some inner work. While inner work is an individual experience, it is greatly facilitated when it’s shared in a safe and supportive group container.

While I will never guarantee emotional safety since this is personal to everyone, my intention is to create a non-judgmental space where you can express any challenging emotions that come up, so that you can integrate them. Integration is the first step to transformation. My goal is to create a space where you feel a sense of security and group support.

Note: I’m not a trained therapist. While the intention of the course does revolve around healing and transformation, this space is not meant to take the place of mental health professionals.

Will there be recordings of the live calls?

Yes. All the calls will be recorded and made available to you 48 hours after recording.

What time of day will the calls be? I know you live in Korea, which means my time zone might make it hard for me to attend. How will you manage this?

Calls will be on Tuesdays at 9:30 am (Korea), which is Monday at 8:30 pm (North American Eastern). If you can’t attend, you’ll have access to the call recording. Sessions start on April 26 in Korea - where Josette lives (which is April 25 in the western hemisphere).

I don’t use Facebook. How can I get the most out of the community aspect of this course?

I’ve discovered that Facebook groups are the best and easiest way for me to facilitate online groups at this moment in time. I know it’s not ideal, but I suggest you create a Facebook account just for the duration of the course. You can delete it afterwards.

I’m an introvert or a very private person, and that’s a HUGE reason why I avoid social media. How will this course support me?

We’ll address this head-on during the course. We’ll look at how introverts navigate the world, and how they can use this to support their online experience rather than deter them.

I’m an empath or highly sensitive person, so I find social media overwhelming. That’s a big reason why I’m not on social media. How will this course support me?

Same deal as for the introverts in the group. We’ll look at how empaths and HS peeps navigate the world and look at ways that you can use this natural inclination to your advantage when sharing content on social media.

I’m not really “tech-savvy”. Will I learn how to use social media apps and tools?

My main task during this course is to help you with your energy, thought patterns, and messaging so you start feeling more comfortable showing up online. That being said, I’m a tech nerd and love learning how to use social media apps and tools. So in the spirit of one of the course principles — “Curiosity leading to empowerment” — I’ll teach you how to find beneficial information. This way, you’ll be able to navigate social media no matter how much it changes in the future.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Payment plans will be available for a certain time during the launch period. Get on the waitlist to make sure you access this early bird bonus period.

JOsette LeBlanc Soul to Social

The next round of SOUL TO SOCIAL starts on April 25 in North America (April 26 in Korea - where Josette lives)


Your investment: