Mars + Venus: a dance of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine


The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, or locked in a beautiful dance from now until the end of March (2022). On a collective level, this helps us viscerally understand what a balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine might look like.

This exquisite depiction of The Lovers tarot card by Marie White is how I'm feeling into this cosmic union. It's the perfect illustration of the gifts each energy brings to the other.


Mars, the Divine Warrior, surrenders his strategic power to the disarming Venus. But Mars' surrender shouldn't be associated with a "waving the white flag.” His surrender highlights the trust he has in Venus, the Divine Empress.

Trust is true surrender.

Mars is being cradled by Venus' love and beauty. Yes, this Divine Masculine energy is still taking the lead in this cosmic dance, but only because he feels how it brings balance to the union, not because he's focused on his drive to take control.

In this image, we see Venus standing upright in strength as she embraces Mars' surrender. While her own strength is powered by beauty and love, she has now integrated Mars' desire to protect and take action. Through their melding, she understands his passion, and this transmutes her expression of love in a potent way.

For the duration of this union, we're blessed with an opportunity to feel into what it means to live in a world where aspects of these two energies, -- the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine -- are in balance.

We cannot look at this energy as two separate entities. This is our dress rehearsal for the balance that’s coming.

To understand how these energies are working specifically in your life, it's important to know what houses your Capricorn and Aquarius are in your natal chart because these are the signs Mars and Venus will be dancing through.

If you'd like to know what houses they’re in, leave me a comment, and I'll give you instructions on how to do that.

In the meantime, enjoy the cosmic dance! And please let me know how you feel about the union by leaving a comment below.


This message was written for my bi-monthly newsletter, Energy Reset. To receive cosmic messages like this, as well the magical Moon Spreads that come with them, sign up for your Energy Reset right here.