4 signs you're awakening to your soul-self


Here’s a note to remind you that you're a powerful divine being. And in case you forgot, here are a few things to watch for that will help you remember.

When these 4 signs start popping up, you can trust that your higher self (ie: your soul) is peeking through.

  • Synchronicities (ie. winks from the Universe) are increasing. "Coincidences" become more noticeable. You think of something and it appears.

  • Angel numbers (also winks) appear more frequently. You see repeated numbers on license plates, on ads, and in phone numbers... (555, 1111...) Numbers that are special to you show up on clocks (like your birthday).

  • Your tolerance for certain people or situations is decreasing. You see the value in creating boundaries around your time, energy, and experiences.

  • You're able to see yourself from a new perspective. You know that in order to evolve and to connect to your higher self you must face your shadows (ie. fears and less desirable parts of yourself). You're finding the courage to face them.

Which one has been showing up for you?


If deciphering these signs feels difficult and you could use some support in understanding them, I highly recommend looking into my INTUITION IGNITION healing package.

This combines the transformative energy healing modality of Radical Guide DNA Activation with two weeks of spiritual mentoring to help you integrate the insights and healing you receive from the experience.

To learn more, visit the link below.