How to NOT LEAK energy (ie: how to CONTAIN your precious inner fire)


You leak energy every time you do something that isn’t in alignment with your Higher Self. You’ll realize you’re doing this when you:

  • Feel resentful about the actions you’re taking or toward the people you’re interacting with

  • Feel your body contracting, almost as if you want to hide or stay small. You may literally feel pain in your body

  • Complain (either to yourself or to someone) about having to do something or about having to be with someone

  • Feel like you “should” do something and you do that thing

You’ll most likely experience all of these during an energy-leaking event, but you may lean more toward one particular energy-leaking reaction.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

This is totally normal.

And now that you’re aware of what your energy-leaking tendency is, you can start calling back your energy.

  • Acknowledge how you really feel about the situation. Awareness is the first step.

  • Acknowledge that your experience (time, peace, space…) is valuable. Treat it like the precious resource it is!

  • Ask yourself, “Do I REALLY need to do this thing (with this person)?” or “Do I REALLY need to do this thing (with this person) NOW?

  • Ask yourself, “Can I change this resentment into compassion (for myself and others)?” If not (and that’s okay), then you most likely need to create boundaries.

  • Create and express your energetic boundaries. For example, you may only respond to text messages when it "feels" right for you. Release yourself from the expectation of needing to respond right away.

Maintaining energetic alignment is one of the concepts we explore in my energy work and lightworker mentoring packages. Learn more about this here.