Posts in podcast
Pluto in Aquarius - Channeling the Cosmos

This message comes at a time when the cosmic energies are going through a major transition. Pluto, the planet of transformation, destruction, and renewal is moving into Aquarius, the constellation of innovation, rebellion, and futuristic thinking. After moving between this constellation and Capricorn throughout 2023 and 2024, it will stay in Aquarius until 2043. We’re in for some major transformations! I hope these 6 minutes support you during this cosmic shift.

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Ep 8: Building a sustainable anti-racism practice with Jo Gillard and Anja Naundorf-Adu

In this conversation with Jo Gillard and Anja Naundorf-Adu, we dive into our personal journeys with dismantling racism, how we support each other in that process, the people and resources that have and continue to inspire and assist us, the term “white privilege”, the “white spiritual woman” bubble, the role of religion in oppression and our responsibility to do the work.

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Ep 7: The evolution and potential of astrology with Rachel Capurso of Aeolian Heart Astrology

Astrology is currently enjoying a massive boom in interest but remains a somewhat divisive topic in mainstream thinking, despite its historical role in the origins of science. To understand more deeply what astrology is and how it can help us live a soul-expressed life, I invited Rachel Capurso of Aeolian Heart Astrology to come on the podcast and tease apart what astrology is and what it isn’t.

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Ep 6: Balancing the divine feminine and masculine with the Three Luminaries

In this conversation with the Three Luminaries, Leilani Mañulu, Anika Apple, and Kailei Carr we explore the divine feminine, our wounded feminine and masculine aspects, resistance to our divine feminine, trusting the unseen, masculine and feminine sides of the body, leading with the divine feminine, divine feminine sexuality and the connection between pleasure and creativity.

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Ep 4: Scared and doing it anyway

All of us have a story to tell. Each one of us has a unique message to bring to the world, but so many of us get paralyzed by the fears and limiting beliefs that come up when we think about sharing our deepest inner truth. In this short solo episode, I share my challenge of embracing visibility through the launch of this podcast and how I worked through the fears and stories that came up for me to create and launch this project.

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Ep 3: The value and wisdom of creativity with Hailey Tallman, Kristina Eisenhower and Jordan Queior

During this episode, we explore what creativity is, the role of embodiment and intuition in accessing creativity, and deconditioning and unlearning unhelpful narratives. We also explore the healing potential of creativity, how to foster it, and the relationship between creativity, mental health and the current cultural paradigm shift away from toxic productivity.

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